hey there👋

I'm Saurabh Kumar Suryan

a tinkerer // perfectionist // who loves over engineering // building beautiful UIs // often found sipping chai over good music

Experience Icon


✨ Jupiter Money

SDE l (frontend)

Jun’22 – till this date // Bangalore, India

- Worked on multiple sections of the app such as Credit Cards Home, Settings, Bills & Rewards as well as the Onboarding experience of the Cards

- Solved for complex UI designs while trying to reduce render times using lazy loading of components, preloading of high priority assets, caching responses, and optimising on asset size.

- Built a robust state management system for cards using state machines which could easily scale to handle more credit card products reusing the same screens, if and when required with minimum changes

- Built an app wide framework for API response caching, remote config & synchronous storage which enabled the Jupiter app to work offline and softly handle network or API errors.

- Built reusable components for Jupiter's Europa design system

- Wrote scripts to automate changelog generation as well as better testing of the Europa components

- Wrote multiple documents for documentation of the frameworks mentioned above for their easier adoption, as well as to create standard practices across the codebase.

✨ AfterShoot

Full Stack Developer Intern

Sept’21 – May’22 // New Delhi, India

- Built multiple responsive components for the AfterShoot app using React, TypeScript & SCSS

- Worked on the revamping the state management of the AfterShoot app using Redux.

- Worked on improving the overall performance & reducing rerenders of AfterShoot app.

✨ Coinvise

Frontend Developer Intern

May’21 – Aug’21 // New Delhi, India

- Built UI components & worked on the redesign of the Coinvise platform using NextJS, TypeScript, React, Tailwind.

- Worked on integrating the frontend with the backend & GraphQL server.

- Worked on integrating Ethereum Smart Contracts for the platform using Web3JS.

✨ BlueTeak Labs

Software Development Intern

Jun’21 – Jul’21 // New Delhi, India

- Worked on the building components & state management of an internal tool using React, Redux, Bootstrap.

✨ Joomla

Open-Source Contributor


- Made open-source contributions to Joomla CMS.

- 12 PRs merged.

✨ MLH Fellowship

MLH Fellow (Batch 1)

Oct’21 – Dec’20 // New Delhi, India

- Built multiple projects with various tech stacks including React Native, React, SCSS, Node. (Blog)

rocket icon


🔥 autoflow

a CLI tool to jump to multiple projects from anywhere in the directory structure, start your development environments more easily, and set up new projects and initialize github repos with less commands.

built using: python, click.py

githublink to project

💕 good vibes only

Good Vibes Only delivers daily positive news and wholesome content from around the world. People need a well-balanced media diet, so our daily dose of ‘News to Enthuse’ is like Vitamin G for the spirit.

built using: node js, mongoDB, ejs

githublink to project

🎁 twitter wrapped

twitter wrapped gives you a comprehensive report of your twitter similar to spotify wrapped, from last one year through twitter apis

built using: NextJS, Twiiter APIs

link to project

🥰 cheery

Cheery is a wholesome bot for developers which periodically sends you cute messages and reminders to take care of yourself on your Discord Server.

built using: python, flask, discord.py, mongoDB


🤖 monday api

API for Telegram Bot that automates attendance for Amitians by scraping Amity's website and using Telegram to send regular updates to the student.

built using: python, flask, beautiful soup 4, telegram.py

githublink to blog

😷 coviz

CoViz. is a data visualization for COVID-19 data from around the world. The data is fetched from a REST API provided by about-corona.net.

built using: react.js, d3.js

githublink to projectlink to blog

🎵 flyrics

Flyrics uses Artifical Intelligence and Machine Learning to generate lyrics for a song in a matter of minutes. No need to search online databases just to find out the lyrics to a song.

built using: react native, python, flask, spleeter, google speach to text api
